The Volvo V90 was revealed on previous Thursday in Stockholm, Sweden. The stylish car is the latest in the premium car maker’s top-of-the-line 90 series sitting alongside the award winning XC90 SUV and the recently-launched S90 premium sedan.
“We have a very strong position in the estate segment,” said Håkan Samuelsson, president and chief executive of Volvo Cars.
The new V90 is the third car unveiled in Volvo’s top-of-the-line 90 series, all of which are built on the company’s specially-designed and fully modular Scalable Product Architecture (SPA), which has opened up a range of new opportunities in terms of how Volvos can be designed, built and equipped.
The vehicle has full support for Apple’s CarPlay on the V90 Estate’s in-dash system using a connected iPhone. The in-dash system on the V90 Estate is the same as in the S90, which includes a 9-inch touchscreen display as pictured above.